Our Services


Seana is distinctively qualified as a Certified Wound Specialist under the American Board of Wound Management. She also has Wound Care Certification under the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy, where she is a Clinical Preceptor. Her experience is extensive across the continuum of care with clinical practice in hospitals, home care, long-term care, and domiciliary care settings. 

Wound Care Strategic Advisory

Thorough case analysis based on evidence-based guidelines for preventing, identifying, and treating wounds across all care settings—plus knowledge of clinical workflow and required documentation—for facts that help win cases. 

Wound Care Consulting

Seasoned medical experience with Certified Wound Specialist certification under the American Board of Wound Management (ABWM) proves exceptional command of wound-care protocol, etiology, and best-practice outcomes for trusted case reviews.

Expert Witness Statements & Depositions

Knowledge is power—based on master-level wound care certifications and first-hand patient care experience, our team analyzes and produces comprehensive wound-case reviews and expert depositions. 


Wound Care Due Diligence for Long-Term-Care Facilities

With an astute knowledge of Minimum Data Set (MDS) documentation, wound evaluation requirements, and care plans, we succinctly review medical cases and provide an unbiased legal opinion specific to the long-term care setting.   


Malpractice lawsuits due to improper wound care are the second leading cause of medical litigation in the US and remain on the rise as our aging population continues to grow. In addition, as medical technology advances, chronically ill and medically complex patients live longer and are susceptible to skin breakdown, including the development of bed sores or pressure injuries. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) defines a pressure injury as “localized damage to the skin and underlying soft tissue usually over a bony prominence or related to a medical or other device,” and explicitly occurring because of intense and/or prolonged pressure and/or shear (2009).

The development of pressure injuries is considered avoidable by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and is a quality metric of care in the United States. Improper wound identification and treatment adversely affect patient quality of life and cause an undue economic burden to our healthcare system. 

As wound care continues to evolve as an emerging specialty, numerous advances have been made in wound care treatments, including advanced dressings and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) such as specialty mattresses and offloading devices to prevent pressure injuries. Our team is uniquely knowledgeable about recent advances in wound care technology and its utilization for treating wounds as the standard of care. 

Reasons for litigation are vast and may include improper assessment and documentation, failure to meet the standard of care, and wound complications, such as infection, sepsis, loss of limb, and even death. Our team of legal experts is keenly familiar with current guidelines for the prevention and treatment of these types of wounds and clinical guidelines in the long-term care setting. In addition, we review medical cases to determine both how and why a patient’s wound developed and if the standard of care was met. 

Schedule A Time To Discuss Our Services

Legal Wound Care Consulting provides specialty, credentialed wound care expertise that helps legal teams build winning cases.